pumpkin pin search

The 2024 Great Pumpkin Pin Search Clue Dates:

August 16th

August 23rd

August 30th

September 6th

Prize:  $300 in Chamber Checks

*Each clue will be posted at 5PM sharp on the above dates at the Morton Chamber of Commerce and the Pumpkin Festival Facebook and Instagram.

The kickoff to the Morton Pumpkin Festival is the Great Pumpkin Pin Search. This treasure hunt for the official Festival Pin marks the countdown to the Festival’s Opening Ceremony. Generations of families look forward to this long-standing tradition each year.

Four clues will be released (one new clue every Friday for four weeks in a row) unless the Pin is found prior to the next clue. The clues will be posted here on our website, on our Facebook page, and on the door of the Morton Chamber of Commerce office.

The searcher who finds the Pumpkin Pin will win $300 in Chamber Checks, be photographed for the Pumpkin Festival Facebook Page, and will be introduced on the Entertainment Stage!

The Pin will be hidden in a non-dangerous location on PUBLIC property (it will not be hidden on private property). The Pin could be anywhere, indoors or outdoors, in the vicinity of Morton. Individuals of all ages are encouraged to search for the Pin.

Once the Pumpkin Pin is found, an announcement will be posted on the door of the Chamber office, on this website, and on the Morton Pumpkin Festival’s Facebook page. Until then, contestants are encouraged to maintain their search and not be swayed by others who claim to have found the Pumpkin Pin.

Whoever finds the Pin must contact the Morton Chamber of Commerce office for verification. Winners will be announced and/or recognized on the Pumpkin Festival Entertainment Stage on Thursday, September 12th beginning at 6:30pm.